Stephen Fowler Sucks

Before creating this blog, Stephen Fowler caught my attention.

Who is Stephen Fowler?
Stephen Fowler is a fellow resident of San Francisco. However, his stint on ABC’s WifeSwap isn’t holding over well with many people that saw him. He belittled his temporary wife, was very rude, inappropriate, controlling, and appears as an elitist. Everything he said, did, and all reactions to the show are featured in

Why Are You Writing About Him?
Because I’ve got an update for you today! After the WifeSwap episode aired, Stephen Fowler was forced to resign from two non-profit boards, received death threats, and needed police protection from the crazies throwing eggs at his house.

While I don’t condone or appreciate what he said or did in the show, I don’t think people should harass him the way they are. Yeah, I get the teasing – but do we really need to circulate his number around for hundreds of random death threats? And going to his house to express your distaste in his actions is just pushing it… it’s a bit extreme to me. There are so many haters out there, but you don’t see them getting death threats and verbal abuse.

Anyway… peep out the updated report here:

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~ by justnoise on February 18, 2009.

3 Responses to “Stephen Fowler Sucks”

  1. This guy is a British joke snob. This tv show originated in the UK. Why or how he got his wife to do it amazes me. But shame on him for his exposing his poor kids..RT

  2. […] Here is the original post:  Stephen Fowler Sucks « just noise […]

  3. During both world wars, it was mostly the “clueless Americans” from working class families throughout the middle of the country who gave their lives and bailed out Britain and France. After the end of WW II in 1947, the Truman Doctrine followed by the Marshall Plan pledged American financial aid for a generous program of European economic recovery. This is why Europe and Britain were able to rebuild and afford good social programs and national health care — while we go without! And international class bigots like Fowler dare to insult those same Americans? For the past 65 years, Europeans have enjoyed longer life expectancies and higher living standards on the dime of poor working class American’s tax dollars that benefited everyone else — except Americans. It was the tax dollars of working class Americans that funded the financial aid package to rebuild European nations after WW II. Who does that smug prick think paid for the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan, which made social benefits and socialized medicine affordable for Britain and France? The Tooth Fairy?
    Every day, 122 poor uninsured Americans die for lack of access to healthcare, 1 in 5 foreclosures are due to unaffordable medical bills, 1 in 4 bankruptcies are due to unaffordable medical bills and extremely high prices on medicine.
    Stephen Fowler and the rest of Britain enjoy generous social programs and safety nets, made possible because of poor working class Americans whose taxes funded Europe’s economic recovery post-war. And for this, we are put down for our weight problems, our inability to afford university educations, healthy foods, and being “militaristic” and “fascist.” If it wasn’t for our military and our poorer people who have been deprived of opportunity and healthcare while our taxes funded the rebuilding of Britain, Stephen Fowler would not have had the luxury of growing up with access to low-cost high quality medical and dental care so that his advanced education and opportunity to achieve economic success would have been possible. His parents would not have had a nice middle class life due to the security that comes with having access to health and dental care so that he could go to a prestigious university. And it would be Stephen Fowler, not the majority of struggling Americans, living in a “podunk town” with nothing. Britain would have remained a pile of rubble that ended up as Hitler’s outhouse.

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